canN2Onet Training Session


Developing Canadian agriculture in an environmentally friendly way is challenged by shortages in leaders who are not only trained in agricultural science but who are also equipped with innovation skills necessary to overcome real-world barriers in reducing the greenhouse gas (GHG) footprint of grain & oilseed production. A workforce of such experts, from diverse backgrounds and perspectives, is necessary to lead Canadian agriculture towards net-zero carbon and a global competitive advantage.

CANN2ONET will train and enrich the experience of highly qualified personnel, providing them with the knowledge to address emission reduction targets and skills valued by our partners.

Farm Silos

GHG School

This annual course will include a field trip to one of the regions studied by CANN2ONET and will involve farm visits, hands-on training in GHG measurements, and modules offered by applicants and partners. This field component will give students from the various universities and disciplines exposure to differences in regional agriculture across Canada and develop a cohesive cohort of new leaders.

Academics and partners will deliver modules with the following learning objectives:


To identify stakeholders in agricultural farm networks, and how they are involved in influencing behaviors related to GHG emission reduction.


To understand implications of diverse carbon accounting frameworks, applicability of each framework for different scales, and the complexity of trying to create international standards.


To apply models/scenario-building to understand outcomes of crop practices on GHG emissions.


To calculate GHG implications of landscape-scale crop practices at a variety of scales.


To understand economic outcomes of management practice change and systems-scale impacts.


To synthesize different considerations when affecting the complexities of farmer decision-making surrounding GHG reduction targets in farm case studies.

Partner Internships

Each CANN2ONET graduate student will participate in an internship with a CANN2ONET partner. The wide range of partners will ensure that collectively we will graduate students with the background to address the needs of the marketplace